Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Universe, God, Us and the Big Scheme of Things.

As I see it, the Universe today is a result of two opposing processes. One process forms the basis for the 2nd law of thermodynamics - A process i spontaneous only if the Entropy (randomness) of the system increases as it progresses. Since the birth of the Universe (the big bang), it has been expanding. The solar systems, stars and galaxies are all effectively moving away from each other in the space-time fabric. The other opposing process is the beautiful phenomenon of evolution. In this process order comes from disorder. Atoms and molecules come together to form "meaningful" combinations. Useless permutations die out.
The Universe is nothing but a set of rules. These are the rules, that we discover as scientific laws. One simple example is the law of gravity, which says that two bodies of mass attract each other. Now, imagine a Universe without gravity. The randomness of the Universe would have been even more as there would not be any means of keeping two masses together. So, gravity is here for a reason. The Universe desperately wants to keep matter together even as it expands. Thus, to sum it up - the Universe has created rules for itself. Whatever we see and don't see around us is a result of these rules. Our scientists are constantly discovering these scientific laws and this is a positive step. Even life and its struggle for survival is not because life wants to live but it is because the Universe wants life to live. Don’t get me wrong here. No doubt we want to live but this want has risen from within our mind and our mind was made by the Universe through the process of evolution. This is the reason we live today and think. The laws of the Universe have interacted with each other and created everything that is there today.
Now, I’d like to take the next step and say that our thought process is nothing but the
Universe's desire to understand itself. Yes- we voluntarily think but as I've mentioned
before, the Universe and its laws have evolved us to such a state where we could think. As we evolve, we become more complex beings, with an advanced capacity for understanding. We would continuously discover more scientific laws until we know the entire Universe. This is the ultimate stage of our evolution and the goal of the Universe - complete understanding. At this stage, we become GOD. We cease to exist as single entities and we form a unit. This is very similar to the concept of the human body, where individual cells (living being by themselves), make up the entire unit.
I do not know for sure when this stage would be reached or if the Universe is even capable of it, given its desire to "move away" (Is spirituality the counter??) but according to me, if this stage is reached, it would be the ideal state where the meaning of the Universe would be clear. I would like to restate it as -

"A time in the distant future when each particle in the Universe is part of a meaningful, conscious whole that has completely understood itself."

This is when we become the Universe, we become the GOD.


Darkness and deep said...

Hmmm... very very nice and very creatively written

I have doubt though, can u tell me how by understanding the whole, do we become one unit..

But Kudos.. ultimate contradicting thought.. kudos.

anupsu said...

We..dont become a unit, by understanding the whole..Rather ..as evolution speeds up, more complex organisms are formed that have the capacity to uderstand..and the more complex the organisms become, the more closer they get to the universe itself..until all these organisms co-exist, much like the cells in our body and become a unit - the universe itself.
At this point - the universe as a whole becomes a conscious unit.

anupsu said...

I mean to understand the Universe, u need to become the Universe itself through the process of evolution.

Unknown said...

Hey dude, it's pretty cool to understand your take on the universe and "the scheme of things." But, of course, you've tried your best to complicate it with scientific jargon! The reason I thought I should post a comment on this thread was that you seem to be in awe of the theory of evolution. I don't blame you, because the whole world seems to have accepted this theory as an undisputed fact.

Anyways, let's come to the big bang theory. This theory claims that before the universe was formed, all matter was contained in a small ball-like thing. And then at some point in time this ball burst thereby hurling gases and countless other particles into space. And these over billions and billions and billions (…phew!) of years formed the universe which today is. Now, where do I get started as to what’s wrong with this fact, oops, theory I mean!!

Now doesn’t science tell us that in order to make or form some thing, there has to be some thing else in existence prior to it? So if we start off with things present, we’ll have to go backward in time to that “first thing” from which, supposedly, all things were made. Now the zapper of a question is, who or what made that “first thing”? The thing with us humans is, since we have progressed so much, we think we have answers to every bloomin’ thing in the universe! So we try to rationalize the universe using what we think we’ve already figured out. All we need to do is take a look at the world around us and the nature. Now let me try to give an analogy of the big bang theory. Suppose you pile up a log of woods and place an extremely explosive material underneath it and you set it off, then when the log explodes into the air and comes back to the ground, it forms a neat wooden house all by itself!!! You don’t have to be Einstein to see that this is absurd. But unfortunately this is what the big bang seems to tell us.

And what about the fact, oops, I mean the theory of evolution? According to this theory, as time progresses, new species come into existence by evolving. So this means, with time the number of species on the earth, as a whole, has to increase. But what do we see in reality? Many species of animals are on the verge of becoming extinct or have already become extinct. But we don’t see any new species around, do we? You know, the theory of evolution is so diabolical that almost every cause of human woe can be attributed directly to it. For instance racism. The black people on the earth have been marginalized and exploited for years, just because the white folks thought they were much more evolved and advanced! Hitler mercilessly massacred the Jews because he thought they were less evolved, and therefore less advanced, than the Aryan race. These are just two examples to prove the case in point.

Just take a look at our world and the universe. I’m fascinated by it, just as you are. Every single thing is in perfect order. The planets revolve perfectly in their respective orbits. The satellites revolve perfectly around their respective planets. And when it comes to life itself, it’s amazing to know that scientists have discovered that the amount of activity going on in a tiny cell in a living organism is much, much more than the amount of activity going on in New York City at peak hour in a single day!! And how fascinating is the human body? You know, the blood pressure in our veins is just perfect. If it were just a little lower, the veins would’ve collapsed, and if it were just a tad higher, the veins would’ve burst. But no, it’s just perfect to allow the veins to live! Wow! Now, from all the things we’ve considered (and we could’ve considered many more), we’ve just two options. Yes just two options. One, everything that we see just happened by chance. Or two, there is a loving and caring God who has created the universe and everything in it. You say that the universe is just a collection of rules. Then isn’t it logical to believe that there must be someone who has made these rules? And that someone, I believe, is God Himself.

I’m not here to say you’re wrong and I’m right. Every man is entitled to his own opinion. And all I wanted to do was give you, and all others who read this, an alternative way of looking at things. Adios for now.

anupsu said...

@ raj

Points taken.

You seem to be suggesting that the reason for the universe being as it is presently is due

to a 'loving and caring God' who has created everything.

As you said, there has to be something else in existence prior to anything which is directly

responsible for the present state. After saying this, you finally ask the question, "So who

made this first thing?". Well, if the answer be a 'loving and caring God' then who created

that entity? For this, you say that humans think that they know the answer for everything

and u r probably hinting that no one needs to create god as he came into existence all by

himself. Well, you have 1 extra step in ur analysis when u asked who initiated this big

bang. I have actually stated that the Universe has come to existence all by itself. This

maybe a little difficult to understand because we presently dont have the scientific

knowledge to say how this could happen. But it would be a hasty step ahead to say that it

was created by another conscious being - GOD. God has always been just an answer to question

that we scientifically can't explain.

Towards the end, you always go on to say that either
1) the creation of the Universe is totally random.
2) or there is God, who seems to hav made this order possible.

You seem to stick to option 2

But my blog has been based on the assumption stated in point 1.

To explain it further, the Universe has created itself(..and hence all the order that exists

within itself). These scientific laws were picked totally arbitrarily. When we evolve, we

become better at living in the Universe governed by its scientific laws and principles.

We feel that planet revolving around stars is 'order' because it makes it possible for us to

live. Life was created due to this order. Now imagine that planets revolving around stars

had no consequences on our existence. Then we would hardly consider this as order.

The scientific laws came first and then life came and suited itself to these laws.
Life did not come first totally independently.

now consider this argument.

"Suppose you pile up a log of woods and place an extremely explosive material underneath it

and you set it off, then when the log explodes into the air and comes back to the ground, it

forms a neat wooden house all by itself!!!"

A house is something that we built, an order that we created. If we expect a random

explosion to create this, then it is definitely absurd. But imagine a new bacteria born out

of the high temperature of this explosion. Looking back it would feel that events that

brought it into existence were ordered (and hence God created this explosion) because the

explosion brought about its creation though for us, the explosion would be a totally random

event because our lived dont depend on it.

There is also an argument I think, which states that man has been fighting man and if

evolution is supposed to be making things better, why does this happen?
I would say, that what people are doing is bad and not in resonance with the will of the

Universe because people know that this is wrong but hatred is causing them to do this. This

hatred, is also no doubt created by the Universe itself but it is not definitely stopping

the human race from progressing. The net effect of all the events in our history is that we

are progressing further. We are today, better than what we were, say 2 million years ago in

the sense that we understand the Universe better. These wrong-happenings have not stopped

our progress but has only retarded it.

Well, if there is a loving and caring God, then why did he create hatred, cruelty, greed,

Why do some people in Somalia struggle to make a living while I am living such a contended

Why have some people suffered in History while some people have made the most out of life?
Why did God pick those people and cause only them to suffer?
..and if it is because, they were bad people, why did God make them bad in the first place??
..So that he could watch them suffer?

Then God seems to be a sadist.

Well, Well, this discussion is taking a philosophical turn and i am enjoying it. Did you

find my explanations satisfactory? I hav tried my best to explain in this limited space.

Reluctant 'Engineer' said...

nice views .. but I think we rather find it secure in believing in a supreme entity that governs all the rules we are discovering now.
Yeah,sometimes the concept of GOD explains what science cant, or which the science may be able to explain in future.
However,about the unequal distribution of wealth and other things,i share a similar set of questions, why am i luckier than many people around me?Why i am alive ? Why some people suffer more and some less? etc..
The concept of 'karma' that the Hindu relegion believes in provides a satisfactory answer, but discussing that here will be like entering the concept of spirituality.Keeping such views aside also does not help because it is giving you an answer, whether true or not again depends whether you want to believe it or not..!!
(similar to believing the Big Bang or the theory of evolution )..

But nice set of views posted,, kudos..!

Unknown said...

Well Anup, you still haven’t been able to answer who or what made that “first thing” from which all matter was apparently created. OK. Now you’ve asked, “Why did a loving & caring God create evil?” And as I told you the other day, this can be explained only with the doctrine of the Bible. So let’s see what it has to say about God, His character, and the origin of evil in this world. Before starting, let me make one thing clear: All views presented here are taken directly from the Bible and not from any human’s imaginations.

Before the creation of the planet Earth, the only beings in existence in the universe were angels and beings in other planets called the “unfallen or sinless beings,” so called because there were without sin. We’ll soon see what sin is. And, of course, God was also in existence. The Bible word for God is Jehovah. Now of all these created beings which God and His Son Jesus Christ created, the first angel to be created was the angel Lucifer. This angel was created perfectly and he was complete & perfect in all his ways. He was also the most intelligent created being in the universe. For a long time, everything was good & orderly in the universe, & all angels gladly worshiped God & Jesus, & were obedient to all His laws. But with time, Lucifer, because of his wisdom & beauty, slowly became proud & he thought in his mind why only God should be worshiped? What’s so special about Him? Why should we obey His laws? And so on. Slowly he started to poison the minds of the other angels in heaven with such questions. But Lucifer was very cunning in his methods. Outwardly, he acted as though he loved God, but all he wanted inside was for all angels to worship him just as they worshiped Jesus, i.e., he wanted to take the place of God in the hearts of all created beings in the universe. But not all angels were affected by this. In fact many angels lovingly warned Lucifer that his rebellion against God & His Son was totally unnecessary. Jesus Himself made Lucifer understand that God is just & whatever He does is out of love, & that it was God’s love that made Him create the universe. He also made Lucifer understand that God’s laws are an expression of His character & they are as permanent as God Himself, & His laws are designed to grant freedom to all His creatures. He also said that God created angels & other beings so that He could share His love with them & in return He asked them to worship Him for He was worthy to be worshiped as He was their Creator. Now Lucifer knew all these things for he was the most intelligent angel, but he still chose to question the position of God & Jesus. A time came when God & His Son Jesus (who was also God) decided to create the earth & create human beings on it. Lucifer told God that even he wanted to be involved in the creation of earth & man. But Jesus refused, because the work of creating life was only God’s prerogative & no created being would be consulted in this matter.

This pushed Lucifer off the edge & he went about in all the heaven preaching lies about God’s character. He deceived one-third of the angels by casting doubts over God’s character & by making them believe that God’s laws restricted their freedom & that they couldn’t be obeyed anyway. So there was a war in heaven & Lucifer & his angels lost & they were thrown out of heaven. And Lucifer’s name was changed to Satan (meaning the enemy of God). Now God could’ve have destroyed Satan then & there, but He chose not to. Because if He had done that, the other angels would begin to worship & obey Him out of fear. But God desires that all His creatures should worship Him out of love & out of their own free will. He doesn’t believe in forced worship & obedience. So God & Jesus held a meeting with all the created beings in the universe, & He proposed that Lucifer be given a chance to run a world & show what he had in mind & how would he govern the universe if he were God. And Lucifer chose the earth as his prototype. But God was merciful even then. He said, “I will create man on the earth & let him chose whether he wants to obey Me or Satan.” At this time God created the earth & created our first parents Adam & Eve on the earth. For some time Adam & Eve loved God & obeyed all His commands out of their own free will. Then the time came when Satan was to be given a chance to test Adam & Eve. So God placed a tree in the Garden of Eden & He commanded Adam & Eve that they could eat the fruits of all trees except this particular tree, which was called “the tree of the knowledge of good & evil.” Now Satan appeared to Eve & convinced her to eat of the forbidden tree by saying that God wanted to restrict her freedom so He doesn’t allow them to eat of this forbidden tree. And unfortunately for all humans, Eve actually believed Satan’s deception about God’s intentions & she & Adam both ate the fruit of the forbidden tree. Satan was full of Joy & he claimed that all humans were his slaves from now on.

Now God’s law requires that if any of His creatures disobeyed Him, that creature should be put to death to protect the harmony of the rest of the universe. So according to His own law, God should’ve put Adam & Eve to death. But no! Jesus loved Adam & Eve so much that He wanted to keep them alive even after their disobedience. Oh, what an awesome God is Jesus! So Jesus came up with this amazing plan to save mankind. He said He would take the form of man & live a life of complete obedience to God’s laws. Then He would die as a sacrifice for man, so that man could be saved & even God’s laws would be proven to be as permanent as God Himself. Oh what a loving God! By the way, what are God’s laws? Well it’s basically the Ten Commandments…don’t kill, don’t commit adultery, don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t desire the things that are not yours, respect yours parents, don’t have any other gods, don’t abuse God’s name, don’t worship God in the form of idols, and one other commandment pertaining to the day of worship. It’s easily seen that if we all kept these commandments we would be happy. There would be no need of cops, divorce lawyers, etc.! So God’s law actually gives people the freedom to live a happy, content, & secure lives. They aren’t restrictive as Satan said they were! And what is sin? It is breaking of any one of the Ten Commandments. Automatically we see that all human beings are sinners. And Jesus is their only way out to escape death.

So, Satan was permitted to run his government on the earth. And when the entire universe is convinced that he was wrong, God will ultimately put Satan to death. Also Jesus makes it very clear in the Bible that all evils are from Satan. He is responsible for all wars, famines, epidemics, handicaps, etc. But we should understand that this is only a big picture. We can’t go into every detail of every individual’s life. We can’t figure out why some are lucky to live comfortably & some are not. It’s not for us to know these things. But Jesus promises that He is working for us & He asks us to trust Him fully. He says that things may not be clear for us now & we may think that the world is unfair. But He promises that there’ll be a time soon when we can understand things clearly. But He asks us to believe that He is not responsible for sorrows, it is Satan who is responsible.

Well, I hope this helps Anup.

Dark Knight said...

aaaaah .. after readin all the comments .. i can agree wit one thing there's always th equestion to which the ultimate answer we give as god..

Lucifer ,Satan ,Jesus, Vishnu ,Buddha .. Well arent these all names which humans have made up to satiate their beliefs.. when we dont know something we give .. very similar to Algebra .. don know a variable then name it x .. find x..so we have named a variable as "god" rigth n r in the quest o ffindin it ..

Neways i think this article ws directed to pick up a point to evolve this into a better place .. ok tats wat i reckon